Risk of Infection v3.1 patch

Fixed a couple of things potentially leading to softlocking:
-In the cutscene where Tabitha & Laurie are selling Wargs Catherine & her guards are now flagged as 'through' which means there should be zero risk of them "walking on top of each other" and freezing the scene. There's a things in the engine that if an event tries to move but deduces that it cannot, it just freezes the game. The through flag means the event can, if necessary, overlap with other events & objects so the risk of freezing should be gone.
-The window in Tabitha's flashback would play old code when clicked making the player skip to the end of the flashback. The window now does nothing as a good window should.


RiskOfInfection v3.1 281 MB
9 days ago

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I find taunt from taunting thrust does nothing. The attacks all seem to go to random allies. I think the aggro draw rate is too low. The average value in most games is 200, meaning under normal circumstances, it will target the taunter.

Fair point, but it is meant to stack up as the game goes on. You can get the player character's targeting rate to around 160% using the correct gear + the skill iirc, and other characters can utilize gear that lowers their targeting rate. For example Noel has -20% by default, but the skill could realistically add something like 30-40% instead.

That kinda makes the skill pointless. For a team of 4, that means that the MC will only be targeted at most 39% of the time. That is borderline worthless for a tank, who is expected to soak up between 60-90%. This is why Yangus was so bad in the origional Dragon Quest 8, since he was built as a tank but did not have effective tools tobe a tank. It is better to have the MC spamming items instead.

Gonna be blunt, but even for an optional boss, the Drake is WAY too strong. It should NOT have the ability to use two party wide, hard hitting attacks in the same turn, and instant moves are not fun, but cheap. Tune it down A LOT, or provide gear that makes the fight manageable.

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Since it's optional, the Drake is meant to be way harder than anything the player encounters normally. You need top gear, good party composition and high level to beat it, and I suggest only to try it after finishing the main quest so far.

I have to say that I do not put anything into the game that I haven't beaten myself, so it is perfectly possible. The drake does indeed do a lot of AoE damage, but I partly blame RPG Maker's combat system for this. It really does not provide tools to make hard battles "interestingly challenging", so it often just boils down to "this boss just does a lot of damage".  I guess technically the boss's damage could be toned down and make it do more status effects etc, but it is what it is.

My advice is to limit how often it can use it's breath. I found that it activates instantly, too often (sometimes every turn), and provides the boss with an extra turn. It should only be used twice, once at half health remaining, and once at 1/4 remaining. I have been wasted by two turns where it spammed breath and tail swipe at the same time, every time.

I'd probably try to tune it in a way that on turns where the breath attack is used, it lowers the chance for the tail swipe or something like that. Or maybe I'll add one turn to the cooldown of the breath attack.

It is too powerful for a one turn cooldown. maybe if it didn't cause ignite, but as it is, it needs a 3 turn cooldown to make it remotely viable. Also, get rid of the free turn it provides, that is functionally making it like the boss gets two turns in one move. No matter how difficult you want a boss to be, they should follow similar rules to the player to give it a fair chance.

Not really major but you can walk on the table in the  warg brothel basement haha funny walk on a table

Looks like there's something on the table that overrides the table's rule about walking on it. There's been similar issues with cracks etc on walls, but it's a minor issue. I'll fix it at some point.

I think that I found a sequence break. After beating Bruno, I entered the house in the northwest of Lamia, checked the person in the bed in the northwest, and the game gave me some dialog that fits only if I was a playing a different character that is not in the normal party.

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Oh, that's a great find. The house has cut content from like 3 years ago that I have since discontinued, and some repurposed switch is allowing access to it. I ninja-patched this out in the v3.1 just now (i.e. I didn't raise the version number for this fix).